Cambodia, Day 10 – Frizz Restaurant Cooking Class

Only a few minutes up the road from our hotel in the heart of Phnom Penh was Frizz Restaurant. These guys are renowned for their cooking classes so we put aside half a day to see what we could learn!

Waiting for our fellow class mates. That’s our head chef in the yellow shirt.

We were told we’d be cooking two dishes; vegetarian fried spring rolls, and their specialty, Fish Amok!!

First up, we took some tuk tuks into town to shop for some of the ingredients we were going to be using in our dishes. For photos from the market, have a look at this previous blog entry.

Soaking and squeezing the shredded taro, otherwise you get an irritated sore throat!

Mix in some shredded carrot

After making little sausages of the shredded mixture in the palms of our hands, we pressed the sheets of pastry around the ends and rolled them into tiny parcels, ready for deep frying.

Chopping up the ingredients for the dipping sauce. Shallots, chillies, lime juice.

A technique for squeezing limes I hadn’t come across before!

Dropping them into the oil

Cauldron bubble…

The class + clown

Making tiny cups out of banana leaves to hold our fish amok (Khmer fish curry). Karen was much better at this than me with my fat fingers!

Pounding our curry paste!

Fish amok cooking away!

It’s only now, looking back, that I realise I must have been so eager to eat the food that we had just cooked that I didn’t take any more photos!

What a pig…

A great half day, and thoroughly recommended to anyone visiting Phnom Penh!