What better way to start the day than with an hour so of playing with puppies?!!
Our transfer from Hong Kong to Seoul had gone without significant incident, and we actually managed to track down our hotel in the middle of the Gangnam night. The only minor hiccough occurred when one of the other tourists tried to take off with Karen’s suitcase! A quick sprint later and Karen had caught the bloke in the foyer of his hotel and pointed out the error of his ways!!
After some much needed sleep, we stepped out onto the streets of Seoul for the first time in daylight, realising very quickly that we were in a whole other world! While obviously at the cutting edge of modernity, the locals were quite clearly very interested in the two westerners walking their pavements early on a Thursday morning! Some may say it was Karen’s flaming red hair that caught their eye, but I’d prefer to think it was my munted Skip face!
Compared to Hong Kong, it took us a little longer to work out the subway system, but eventually we were on our way to Gangnam Station (yes, THAT Gangnam!). Emerging from one of the numerous exits, we turned left at the fish tanks full of live crabs and soon found ourselves stepping into Caffe Pawz!

Caffe Pawz
Those that followed our travels through Japan will recall the absolute awesomeness that was the Calico Cat Cafe in Tokyo. This time we decided to let the dogs of Seoul have their time in the sun (not the frying pan)!!
As long as you’re happy to buy a drink, entry is free, and who wouldn’t pay a few bucks for unlimited fun times with dogs of all shapes and sizes?!

Karen very quickly made friends with this affectionate little fella!

This little ball magnet was my shadow for the next hour or so!

Super saiyan mode!!

For the first time in her life Karen got rejected by a furry friend… 🙁 (we think he had some ‘issues’)

Super dog!

These two were just plain silly…

I’m pretty sure the hygiene officers would have something to say about this in Australia!!

More snuggles!
It was with much reluctance that we stepped out the doors into the South Korean sunshine…