The blog output has dropped a little over the last couple of weeks, but for good reason…we’re house sitting!
Of all the places we could have found ourselves, we just happened to end up in Clifton Beach during a week and a half of some of the best weather we’ve had in years.
The sunrises here are spectacular. The iPhone does a pretty crappy job, but for now it will have to do as it would be totally inappropriate to upload a few hundred MB’s worth of photos over someone elses internet connection!
While the beach is great, even better has been the opportunity to look after the hound that calls Clifton Beach home! Morning and evening walks through the dunes have been fantastic, and it’s done wonders for our peace of mind to have a dog in our lives again, albeit only for a little while.
The dog in the photos below isn’t the one we’re looking after, but it was pretty funny watching him sprint up and down the beach while his owner enjoyed a chilly, early morning surf!
Tasmania really is a pretty special place 🙂
If you think house sitting might be something that suits your lifestyle, drop by the House Sitting Tasmania Facebook page here (brand new website to come real soon!) – House Sitting Tasmania