Long time followers of the blog will recall that we’ve already provided our opinion regarding Crumb Street Kitchen. For a reminder, click here.
In short, it was comfort food in all its glory. Pulled pork, burnt brisket, ribs…
As Homer would say:
How can you possibly top that?
Add a burger to the menu, that’s what!!
While I wouldn’t normally travel into town for lunch, the dulcet tones of all those glistening beef patties were like a Siren’s song in my gammy ear, luring me to certain arterial ruination.
$10? Yes, please!
And so I found myself 15 minutes later sitting in the car trying to balance a cheeseburger that looked to be a fair bit taller than it was wide! I had no cutlery, so decorum be damned…this burger was going to fit no matter what!
It did fit, barely. I was a little surprised, but perhaps evolution is at play here and with every burger consumed my jaw is able to open just that little bit wider until I eventually look something like a hinge-jawed muppet named cookie burger monster?!
I’m not kidding when I tell you that inside this monstrosity was a beef patty that had to be at least an inch thick. Together with the accompanying pickles, sauce and cheese this was an old-school cheeseburger on steroids and its first impression was very, very good.

CSK Cheeseburger
Fantastic caramelisation of the beef, evoking some very similar comparisons to the beef patty that they serve up at The Winston (which just so happens to be the reigning white-collar burger champion!). Exceptionally juicy on the inside, with that thick crusty exterior locking in all the awesome flavour.
The pickles were very clearly a cut above the rest that I’ve tried thus far. Few in number, but very tart and tangy, cutting through the rounded flavours of the beef admirably. Great melted cheese and a slightly tangy sauce (that probably could have done with a little bit more kick for my liking) rounded this burger out quite nicely.
Unfortunately, as I made inroads on this beast it became more and more apparent that the patty hadn’t been cooked completely evenly throughout. Not surprising really given the thickness of the patty and the reasonably quick time it took to prepare the burger. I do prefer my beef just past raw, but in the middle of this patty was a chunk of beef about 1cm cubed that was most definitely uncooked. No flavour, no texture…a bit of a waste really.

One flaw, one time only, does not maketh a trend. The patty had the potential to be incredible, and it came so frustratingly close! Regardless, it was still a great burger that would serve incredibly well as a lunch time meal for any of you lucky people that happen to work in the nearby vicinity.
I’m prepared to give these guys a second chance but as of now I can only score them on what I was served. A price tag of $10 makes this our first egg-shell collar burger, but as it took 10-15 minutes to prepare I’m going to lump it in under the white collar label.
In terms of ranking it may currently sit in 4th place, but I suspect there’ll be some movement upwards after a second tasting!
So quite clearly, The Winston still reigns supreme!
Taste – 4/5
Patty – 3/5
Bun – 5/5
Ingredients – 4/5
Condiments – 3.5/5
Presentation – 4/5
Stuffable* – Yes
Value – 3.5/5
Overall – 3.5/5
*Can you stuff it in your face without a knife and fork?
White Collar Burgers
1. The Winston – 5/5
2. Tasman Quartermasters – 4.5/5
3. Chrome – 4/5
4. Crumb Street Kitchen – 3.5/5
5. Burger Haus – 3/5
6. Burger Got Soul – 2.5/5
Blue Collar Burgers
1. Red Jaffa – 4.5/5
2. Budgie Smugglers – 4.5/5
3. Argyle Take Away – 3.5/5
4. Atlantis Takeaway – 2.5/5