Surely tequila is the devil’s drink?
The vein in my left temple still thinks it’s midnight, lurching and stomping on at a respectable 178 BPM. Someone forgot to tell it the music stopped hours ago…
That bleary eyed, morning after, “as long as it’s the first meal of the day it’s still breakfast” decision can go one of two ways:
- A greasy wad of highly processed ‘beef’, plastic cheddar, BBQ sauce with a higher salt content than the Dead Sea itself, and an icy cold Coke… or…
- The mature option. The option that sustains. The option that sets you up to achieve more than just pulling on your uggies and stretching for the remote control at the end of the couch (and promptly giving up, as it may as well be in Bolivia).
Sadly, neither are possible right now. Such are the sacrifices of country living!
Now if I was so lucky as to live near Elizabeth Street, North Hobart, and assuming I had an interest in practicing my adulting skills (rare…but just like Pantene, it will happen) a quick visit to Fuel So Good would definitely be on the cards!

Fuel So Good
You can call it what you like; put it in a box like we do with so many venues and cuisines around town. Paleo, primal, ‘clean eating’, superfood, ‘I’m Pete Evans and I start each day with an activated almond pessary and a lukewarm glass of asparagus milk’…at the end of the day, in the wise words of Andrew Zimmern:
If it looks good, eat it!
Thankfully, not only does the food from Fuel So Good look good, but it tastes great as well.
Karen chose the Fuel Super Bowl, consisting of mashed sweet potato, scrambled eggs, strawberries and blueberries, topped with granola, pea sprouts and cheese crumble. No one told me Pro Hart was now providing menu consultancy services…? ‘Super bowl’ is an apt descriptor!
I neglected to take a photo of their menu (bad blogger!), so I’m a little unsure of pricing, but I think this was around $13.

Fuel Super Bowl
Seriously though, as strange and complicated as the dish sounds, it all worked really well. There was an earthy sweetness from the sweet potato, bite from the blue cheese, nutty and spicy crunch from the delicious granola, and slightly sour sweetness from the berries to cut through the other ingredients. I don’t think the intent is to try everything at once, but instead to treat the range of ingredients as a palette from which to choose your own combinations.
Rounding out the healthy brief, Karen even ordered herself a bottle of organic ginger and lemon kombucha. Lightly effervescent, tangy and surprisingly good. With an alcohol content of less than 0.5% I won’t be calling it hair of the dog just yet!
Not satisfied with Mexican for dinner the night before from Pancho Villa, I tried the Breakfast Burrito, consisting of a lightly toasted Mountain Bread tortilla wrapped around scrambled eggs, black beans and local chilli yoghurt cheese, with salsa, Greek yoghurt and a lemon wedge on the side. This was around $12. Getting my primal on, I also asked for some Wursthaus chorizo to be added to the mix for an additional $3.

Breakfast Burrito
The burrito was like an edible piñata-o’-flavour, with every mouthful revealing one or more of the fillings in differing ratios and flavour combinations! Without the salsa though it was nothing. I could have eaten bowls of that zesty salsa just by itself it was so good. Add in a dash of yoghurt to bind it all together and my mouth was singing. Not literally though…because that would be weird.
I also ordered one of their Pina Fuelada smoothies and was seriously impressed. The fruit was so fresh and had been mixed brilliantly, with perfect balance between the numerous ingredients such as pineapple, lemon, apple, ginger, mango, lime and mint. So tasty!
The service provided by Anthony and the team couldn’t be faulted. Fast service, poking his head around the corner a couple of times to ensure everything was to our liking, engaging in friendly conversation with what appeared to be his regulars, and even taking the time to let me know of their future plans for a second store and for a sneak peek at their soon-to-be-unleashed website! We couldn’t have asked for more.
The trade these guys were doing on a Saturday morning was brisk, and if you’re not interested in sitting down for a meal, you can just as easily request all their menu items ‘to go’. I’m sure those working nearby would find this to be a great lunch time option. Anthony also let me know that they have just started offering a lunch time catering and delivery service. Forget curried egg or chicken and mayo sandwich triangles, this would be a business lunch with a difference!
What is the world coming to when you’re considering a bowl of sprouted quinoa over a double Whopper with cheese?!!
The words keep getting stuck in my throat…
It’s healthy, and I liked it!
I’m sure you will too. This is one of Hobart’s best!
Fuel So Good is located at 279 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart.
You can find Anthony and the team on Facebook here – Fuel So Good on Facebook
They’ve also fairly active on Instagram – Fuel So Good on Instagram
Mon-Fri: 7am – 5pm
Saturday: 7am – 2pm
If you’re looking for something just as healthy, check out our review of Straight Up Coffee + Food – Straight Up