Holiday in Cambodia!!!

It only seems like yesterday that Two Clowns were jetting off to the Land of the Rising Sun! Yet here we are again, almost 12 months later, and only days away from embarking on our next Oriental odyssey.

The destination this time? Cambodia!!

Temples, pepper, jungles, poverty, beaches, temples, weird snacks, human tragedy, cheap alcohol, more temples, street food, elephants, incessant rain, searing heat and suffocating humidity. Oh, and did I forget to mention temples?

Join with us once again, as we skim the surface of a new culture. Exotic foods, unfamiliar smells, new religions and persistent touts (transport?)…everything that makes a holiday so intense, occasionally scary, yet unbelievably rewarding!

Assuming we’ve got wi-fi (big assumption!!), I’m hoping to make regular updates throughout the holiday. So if you’re keen to follow our tropical misadventures, make sure you click on the ‘Follow’ button and you won’t miss a single episode!

Comments are welcome; as are questions. The more the merrier! And if we haven’t consumed too many 50c beers or $2 cocktails, then we might just be sober enough to get back to you!

To set the scene, barring any instances of unintended geographic uncertainty, this is the route we’ll be taking over the next four weeks…

And just because I can’t get this song out of my head at the moment…