Backs bent to the squall; each step a reluctant advance into the sting of ice-like shrapnel on skin. Peering through frosted lashes for a number; a sign; a name; anything! Numb fingers fumbling, not for the first time, across the glassy map, slick and uncooperative.
We know it’s there, we can feel it’s lure. Pulling as fiercely as the wind it pushes. Tracks retraced, footprints fading, dark windows swallowing our gaze with a sullen obstinance. “Carry on fool. You’ll find no succour here.”
It was too late now, turning back an admission of defeat. What was required in these testing times was persistence, method and tenacity. And with such noble application came the first hint of relief…a light, a shelter? Or was it simply a moment’s respite, false hope in the storm’s eye?
Shelter indeed, bamboo the portal! A gateway into the warmest, the smallest, the safest of harbours. An audience of snarling Tiki gods, standing guard over your shoulder, stone monolith the harbour’s anchor; our patron, Redbeard himself!
And so it was that we submitted to the healing waters of this foreign land. Relief and spirit in equal measure, coursing through our veins. A happy time. A time of laughter, love and celebration. A time to rebuild, to fortify the defences, to ready oneself to sally forth once more, this time in search of Gaul…
What? South Seas Cocktail Lounge – Providing Hobart with authentic, classic and exotic cocktails since 2015.
The damage? $15-30 per cocktail
Where? 13-17 Castray Esplanade, Hobart – Look for the little alleyway. Click here for Google Streetview.
When? Wednesday-Saturday: 5pm until late
More info? Facebook: South Seas Cocktail Lounge Web: South Seas Cocktail Lounge If you like your cocktails, I’m sure you’ll love Ash & Besters as well. Find out more here – Ash & Besters