Three Hummock Island – Tasmania’s Best Kept Secret

Are you looking for serenity? Pristine beaches? Time to relax without the distractions of modern life? Three Hummock Island is a tiny slice of paradise – and it’s one of Tasmania’s best kept secrets!

Don’t tell anyone, ok? πŸ˜€

It was our wedding anniversary and after five hours driving from Hobart and an exciting 40 minute flight from Wynyard airport we were finally at our destination for the next four nights – Three Hummock Island.

How to get to Three Hummock Island – Click here!

We arrived on Three Hummock Island in the early afternoon under a warm sum and, surprisingly, with hardly a breath of wind to cool us down. I say surprisingly because the north west tip of Tasmania is renowned for its gale force winds known as the ‘Roaring 40s’ that can tear across the countryside for days at a time. As evidence of this, you only have to look at the Woolnorth wind farm located a mere 25km to the south!

After a lovely afternoon tea spent munching on cake and chatting about all things Three Hummock, Bev and John left us to our own devices. First up was an exploration of our new home, followed by a cheeky sneak peak at the alternative accommodation option on the island.

Three Hummock Island Accommodation

As there was no one else staying on Three Hummock Island while we were there (bliss!!) we had the option of either ‘The Homestead’ or ‘The Cottage’.

The Homestead

Three Hummock Island - The Homestead

The Homestead

The Homestead is a very large and recently renovated house that sleeps up to 14 people in five rooms, with double/twin options available if preferred. What struck us first about The Homestead was the gorgeous soft light that seemed to fill every nook and cranny! The family room in particular was just perfect, with panoramic views across Home Beach to Hunter Island on the horizon.

Three Hummock Island - Inside the Homestead

Kitchen and family room @ The Homestead

Then you add the cozy little lounge room – complete with log fire – and you’ve got the ultimate hideaway for when the weather sets in and you feel like snuggling up in a blanket (or your significant other!) with a glass of red.

It’s hard to believe that the nightly rate is only $90 per person!

Three Hummock Island - Dining room in the Homestead

Kitchen and family room @ The Homestead

Homestead Views

Three Hummock Island – Homestead Views

The kids are going to have a ball as well, with this amazing cubby house out the back. It reminded us of all the times we used to go exploring as children, and how much fun it used to be to make our own adventures πŸ˜€

Three Hummock Island - Tree house at The Homestead

Cubby house for the kids

The Cottage

Just to make sure we had chosen the right accommodation on Three Hummock Island, we also had a quick look around The Cottage, located just up the hill and far enough away that you each have your own privacy.

Three Hummock Island - The Cottage

The Cottage

The interior has a lovely rustic vibe, that will suit anybody wanting to get away from it all and simply relax. The facilities are basic, but perfect for a short stay.

Three Hummock Island - The Cottage lounge room

Loungeroom @ The Cottage

In the end I’m sure we made the right choice. The Cottage has a really cosy, homely feel, but you just can’t beat the large kitchen/dining and the open, light filled spaces of The Homestead!

Both offer fantastic value, and whichever one you choose we’re sure you’ll be very happy. It’s worth mentioning that the toilet for The Cottage is located separately to the main house – out the back door and about 10 metres down the path.

Things to do on Three Hummock Island

Home Beach and the Boat Shed

Home Beach is right in front of The Homestead, and it is simply stunning.

Soft sand between your toes, shallow sheltered waters making for very easy swimming or paddling – there are other beaches on the island, but if you can’t be bothered exerting any energy then this is the perfect place to spend a lazy afternoon with a rug and a good book.

Three Hummock Island - Home Beach

Home Beach at Sunset

To read the full story behind this photo – one of my favourites – click here.

Boat Shed and Jetty

Three Hummock Island – Boat Shed and Jetty

The Boat Shed is right next to Home Beach, and it’s really interesting to have a look inside at all the fishing and diving paraphernalia.

Three Hummock Island Boat Shed

Boat Shed

Walking trails

While you could easily spend the whole time lounging around The Homestead or on Home Beach, there are plenty of really easy walking trails for you to explore as well.

None of them are particularly difficult, as Three Hummock Island is very flat – hence why it’s called Three Hummock Island, and not Three Super Steep Mountain Island πŸ˜€

Three Hummock Island - Wildlife


Do keep an eye out for snakes though, as there are quite a few on the island. If you stay out of their way they will normally stay out of yours, but watch your step.

Five Sisters Beach

We’ve all heard of Tasmania’s iconic ‘Bay of Fires’ and its bright red lichen-covered rocks.

Well on Three Hummock Island you’ll find a beach that is just as good, if not better than any of those that you’ll find at the Bay of Fires.

Three Hummock Island - Five Sisters

Five Sisters Beach – and this is on an overcast and dreary day!

See those five monoliths, jutting out of the sand at the end of the beach?

That’s the Five Sisters and they are not only stunning, but only a half-hour walk from The Homestead!

Swimming and snorkelling

As with most of Tasmania, the waters around Three Hummock Island would be considered cool by most (except the locals). But because the beaches are so shallow you’ll find that under a summer sun the water warms up very fast.

We’re a pair of softies, so we took our wetsuits, but during summer there isn’t really any need at all.

The waters got a little choppy for us so the visibility was poor, but we’ve heard that the snorkeling around Three Hummock Island is sensational!

Three Hummock Island - Ready for swimming

Two clowns hamming it up before a swim

Clearing kangaroos off the airstrip



There’s one last adventure you get to enjoy before leaving Three Hummock Island, and that’s clearing the ‘roos off the airstrip!

The airstrip is simply a clearing in the middle of the scrub, and of course it makes for the perfect grassy buffet for all the wallabies and kangaroos on the island.

So before leaving, John needs to jump in the 4WD and go for an exciting drive up and down the ‘strip, making sure it’s free of any animals so the plan can take off πŸ˜€

As you can see, it’s a lot of fun!

What to eat on Three Hummock Island

Considering that Three Hummock Island has no shops and a permanent population of only 2 people, dining options are understandably limited.

Both The Homestead and The Cottage have their own kitchen facilities – including a fridge, oven, crockery, cutlery and glasses – so it’s best that you bring enough food to last your full stay. There is a limit though, as the small plane that transports you to the island has a maximum weight it can carry. Packing smart is the key and making sure you bring the essentials – ie. booze πŸ˜€

In saying that, Bev does offer lunch, dinner and high-tea(!) options at additional cost, which are perfect for the occasional picnic lunch or hot dinner. Please keep in mind that Bev and John have to get through a lot of work every day to keep the island in good condition – so in our opinion we don’t think it’s fair to be expecting them to prepare all your meals.

If you’d like to read about our ‘High Tea’ experience on Three Hummock Island (it was jaw-droppingly amazing!), have a look at this: High Tea on Three Hummock Island

Our final thoughts on Three Hummock Island

Any fears that you’re going to be trapped on a deserted island in a leaky tent with a spider infested drop-dunny are completely misplaced! The quality of accommodation on Three Hummock Island was way beyond our wildest expectations and should please even the most fussy traveller.

And then, whether you’re looking for peace and quiet, or keen to explore the plentiful natural wonders around the island, there is sure to be something that takes your fancy.

It might be little bit more difficult to get there than most other destinations – but that’s what makes it so special and one of our favourite Tasmanian holiday destinations.

What do you think? Looks good, doesn’t it?! πŸ™‚

How to get to Three Hummock Island – Click here!