Day 1 – Our Vietnamese odyssey begins!

It’s that time of year again folks! That time when 11 months of hard slog is rewarded with four weeks of travel, food and much awkward frolicking under sun!

I’ve decided to document our travels differently this year, to free myself up to enjoy the holiday a little bit more, and hopefully to keep the updates coming more regularly.

But what does that mean?

Well, for starters I’m going to focus on posting up only a few of the most interesting or descriptive photos on a daily basis onto the blog (ie. here).

At the same time though I’ll be focusing on written updates over on the Facebook page (together with photos taken on the mobile), and the odd Instagram image as well. I’m not sure if I’ll stick with Instagram or not though…I’ll use the holiday as a test!

To follow us over on Facebook, just click on the link on the right hand side of this page, or simply click here and ‘Like’ the page – Two Clowns on Facebook.

So here are the first few images. Some contrasts for sure, from the hard, cold streets of Melbourne to the humid warmth of Brunei, our stopover destination on the way to Vietnam.

Gadong Night Market - Brunei

Gadong Night Market – Brunei

Yes, those with a keen eye will notice on the left hand side that sharp sticks have been inserted into the rectums (rectii?) of numerous chickens. Forget nose-to-tail, this is beak-to-arse!

Other varieties included liver, chicken hearts and kidney. BBQ char makes everything taste great!! As a bonus, we woke up the following morning without even a hint of stomach upset. Winning!!

Tomorrow? Ho Chi Minh City and a food tour with a dangerous difference!

EDIT – Clearly the updates have not been forthcoming! I’ve found Facebook to be much easier to manage to ensure we’re updating you as often as possible. So please, use the link above to jump across to the Two Clowns Facebook page and ‘Like’ us to get regular updates in your news feed!