Loved by some. Loathed by many.
For some time now I’ve wondered whether it was possible to source fresh, tasty sashimi in Hobart. A few weeks ago, while trying to find some seafood for New Years at the last minute, we decided to try Mako Fresh Fish in North Hobart.
All I can say is…WOW!! That place is incredible! While not stocking a massive range of seafood, what they do stock is absolutely superior quality to anything I’ve ever seen in Hobart. Whole fish ready for grilling, fresh mussels, clams, octopus…and best of all…sashimi!!
On the day we visited they had fillets of tuna and salmon on offer. On further questioning it appears that they also supply kingfish (my favourite) and swordfish sashimi when available. This was backed up by a subsequent visit that we made last week when they had a massive fillet of swordfish on the table.
To be honest when I saw the fillets I was sure that it would be outrageously priced, but, to my surprise, at around $40/kg it was relatively affordable. I’m sure many would beg to differ, but considering that you would normally only buy in small quantities at any one time, in my opinion this constitutes pretty good value for what is a sublime delicacy!! In fact, if my place of employment was nearby I’d be sorely tempted to bring my own rice and buy 100g worth for lunch. Cheaper, and healthier, than fast food.
And the taste? I’m sure you’ve already deduced that it was really, really good! Cut into thin slivers and served with either a dab of wasabi or a dash of soy sauce, I was in heaven!
So if you’re on the lookout for quality seafood, get down to Mako on Elizabeth Street!

Tuna Sashimi – Hobart, Tasmania